Public Management

Public Management
Now with years of experience SMC had been specialized in providing expert support in the system of public administration: the state and local government, public enterprises, institutions and others. Professional support primarily visible in strong partnerships that builds SMC with organizations in the field of public administration is manifested through the creation and provision of various forms of training, such as seminars, training, workshops, conferences, etc., which are related to important areas public services.
Our mission in public administration relies on the theory that public administration should be in compliance with the citizens needs and that mean easily accessible services,  that are integrated and customized. We are working on connecting Serbian public administration with prospective customers and partners and provision of better services to all citizens, especially by implementation of modern management methods and best national and international practices. SMC helps in achieving in creative and effective way social goals and a better social and economic results  improving the quality of life of the community. SMC is specialized in provision of expert support in following public management areas:
    • economic development planning,
    • strategic, annual and other plans,
    • writing project proposals,
    • project management,
    • project and programme evaluation,
    • individual capacity development with various education programmes, 
    • public administration reform and institutional strengthening,
    • preparation od program budget

    In past ten years SMC's experts provided through different projects support to various public sector organizations: Government of the Republic of Serbia and significant number of line minsistries, offices, municipalities and cities all around the Serbia, public enterprises and institutions. 

Serbian management center
Combining many years of professional experience and knowledge of the specific needs of clients, SMC provides support in the area of:
  • Management Consulting,
  • Planning and implementation of business strategies,
  • Project management
  • Public Management,
  • Human resources improvements,
  • Implementation of software solutions.
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Branislav Nušić ""
Branislav Nušić
Serbian management center-SMC

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Serbian management center
